About Us
Mobile Refugee Support was established in June 2017 following the destruction of the Calais Jungle and La Linière camp in Grande-Synthe. Since then we have offered mobile aid and support to displaced people living in and around northern France.
This organisation is currently based in Calais from where we attempt to target locations that have been neglected by governments and larger charities. We work closely with several other grassroots organisations based in the area, as well as larger international NGOs.
MRS provides a variety of services, including access to basic essentials and equipment in order to enable more bearable living conditions. Additionally, we provide communication support, including daily services of access to power and WiFi for up to 500 people at a time.

Furthermore, our teams offer a range of specialist services such as personalised food packs, phone repairs and the provision of relevant up-to-date information for those stranded without homes or safety in foreign countries. Over these last two years we have developed and finely tuned many of our procedures and services to fit the needs of the individuals we support.
Our core team currently consists of several experienced aid workers alongside a rotation of shorter-term volunteers. Our teams on the ground are well versed with all the services we provide and work closely with the communities on a daily basis, creating mutual trust and respect.
Our core philosophies and methods of working ensure that we are accepted happily into the communities that we support. We believe strongly that compassion, understanding and dedication is the cornerstone of being able to provide relief and aid to those who need it. Where larger NGOs and charities fail to develop close kinships with those they work with, often making it a policy to maintain a professional distance, we strive to be different.
We will always operate in absolute solidarity, and in abject defiance.