As the year draws to an end we would like to take a moment to thank you all for your unfaltering support. We are blessed with an incredible network of donors and organisations that support the work we do on a daily basis.
Onjali Rauf & O's Refugee Aid Team, Donate4Refugees, People Not Borders, Refugee Compassion, Gent4Humanity refugee support., Penrith and Eden Refugee Network, The Ripple Effect, Side by Side, HERTS FOR REFUGEES, EuropeCares, Hope and Aid Direct, Stand by You Foundation, Chorleywood4Refugees, LE Solidarity, Sussex Aid For Refugees, Distribute Aid, One and All Aid. We'd also like to extend our gratitude the hundreds of people we haven’t mentioned that have so generously donated over this last year.
It has been three and a half years since we first began operations. Over this period of time, we have achieved so much together. We have finely tuned our services and procedures to offer the most efficient support possible to the communities that we work with and care so deeply about. Both our donors and teams of volunteers rise to every challenge and adapt to every situation they are faced with.
Over these extremely testing last few weeks, our team have been present as always and will continue to be so into the new year. We have been blessed with many incredible volunteers and donors that have in turn been welcomed into the ever-growing MRS family.
Wherever you find yourself in these unusual and difficult times, we would like to wish you a wonderful Christmas period and best wishes for the year ahead, from all of us here at Mobile Refugee Support.